» lights


» art


» a bad day

Saturday this weekend I found my dad lying on the kitchen floor almost unconscious and blood running down his mouth. It was the absolute worst thing I have ever experienced in my life. I visit him the day after and he was a bit better, the fever had gone down but he still had a hard time to remember what happened. his right leg and arm has a bit weaker also. I really hope that he will recover fast and be home again soon.

» art

» Beautiful white dresses!


» this is how sunscreen looks like

Awesome video of how damagin the sun really is for our skin.
The freaky part is what the sunscreen looks like in a uv camera.

» art

» bad boys

Love this song and Zara´s Dance but i wish it was a bit longer XP

» sia - chandelier

wow, souch a beautiful song!